Sunday, May 02, 2010

It's a Start

So, in July 2009, I fell in love.

Doesn't sound too momentous, but this is actually the first time I'm admitting it. I fell in love. Hard. I met him online and we clicked immediately. Always had stuff to talk about. Crazy physical attraction. I was sure he was the one. I don't have a lot of relationship experience, so I didn't notice the warning signs until it was too late. I mean, when you make a habit of crushing on unavailable (usually married) men, the signs are always that it's not going to work. Dating a straight single guy? The signs are all different. At any rate, I missed them, and six weeks after I fell head-over-heels, it was all over but the crying.

Maybe if there was more crying, it would have been easier to deal with. I cried a lot while things were falling apart, and I cried a lot in my therapist's office, but I had to go to work, teach, interact with people, and while everyone knew I was sad, I didn't really talk too much about what I was going through. As a result, I went into a state of mourning. Mourning for the relationship that seemed to have so much promise. Mourning for my 34 years of loneliness. Mourning for the fact that I'm in a town I don't like, in a job I'm not sure I can keep, with friends who aren't "kindred spirits" or if they are have too much of their own lives to deal with to be the type of "bosom friend" I need in my life. (Don't hate on the Anne of Green Gables references.) I went into mourning. Which is a nice way of saying that I was depressed for a good 4 months. I lost interest in the people and things that used to keep the loneliness at bay. I sat on my couch and watched tv and kept the outside world away. Sure, I hung out with people; I went to work. But I didn't engage with anyone or anything.

I started pulling out of malaise in February, but I realized that I had dug myself into a hole. I had largely stopped running, my go-to self-help for the previous two years. I tried to start running again, but it was painful and I didn't enjoy it. So, I signed up for a marathon. I have until October 3 to get myself into fighting form. March was a pretty good month, but I allowed myself to find excuses, and I stopped running again in April. So here it is, May 2, and I am determined to be ready in 5 months and a day come Hell or high water.

To start, I ran 3 miles this evening. It's a start. I also plan to do p90x. I'm going to buy a planner tomorrow and keep track of my daily running, fitness and research goals (because my professional life is going to crumble on me soon if I don't get my carcass in gear). I'm going to track my progress and hopefully, I'll be motivated to keep moving forward.

Still, it's almost 11 pm and I have a ton of reading to do for tomorrow, a lecture to finish, a study guide to prepare, a final exam to write, 6 sets of reviews to grade and more reading for Wednesday. Will I be able to cobble everything together? Yes. Will it be fantastic? No. Will it be good enough? I hope so. Can I get better? I have to.

Where will I find my motivation? It's trite to say that I will find it within myself. But it's also true.

Day 1 (May 2): 3 miles

It's a start.


At 6:46 PM , Blogger Kris said...

Oh Kate, I have gone through similar experiences in the past w/ men. Mourning was the absolute best thing you could do because now that you have done it, you are able to move on with your life and be ready for whatever lies just around the corner. I have both faith and confidence that you will someday love someone who can and does love you back. And I can't wait to hear that story when it happens.


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